Making the Most of your Occupational Therapist Resume

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Do I need to keep updating my occupational therapy job resume?

Making the Most of your Occupational Therapist Resume

A lot of people think that resumes are simply a piece of paper you pass to potential employers in order to land great occupational therapist jobs. While that's basically true, there's a whole lot more to resume writing than simply regurgitating a list of all the places you've worked and where you've gone to school.

If you're interested in taking occupational therapist travel jobs through PPR Healthcare Staffing, it's just a matter of going to their website and completing their online job skills checklist. The most successful people in the world know that the process really doesn't end at the “here's what I can do” stage. The OT jobs you'll get through PPR Healthcare Staffing are going to be short work placements of up to 13 weeks. If you have goals of career advancement or have specific plans for the future (i.e. your own occupational therapy business), keep track of where you've worked, who you've worked with, and what you've learned through those people. Journal writing might not seem to have anything to do with resumes, but in order to take advantage of your new occupational therapy job experiences, spend some time reflecting and writing. By doing this, you'll have a clearer sense of what you've done, what you've learned, and what you hope to learn in the future.



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