Travel Nursing Tips

When it comes to Travel Nursing, we've been there, done that, now serving 101 tips in 9 categories ranging from Travel as a Physical Therapist to Why People Become Nurses.

Can I live within walking distance to some good shopping malls?

Travel Nursing for the Shopping Benefits

Does shopping turn your crank? If so, make sure to talk to your PPR Healthcare Staffing recruiter about living and working in a place where shopping reigns supreme. Small towns will offer artisan shops, convenience stores, general clothing stores, and boutiques, but that kind of shopping is for beginners! Make sure to position yourself in a travel nursing job smack in the middle of a shopping Mecca. New York City readily comes to mind, but there are many places to live and work where shopping malls will be happy to take your hard-earned money.

PPR Healthcare Staffing works with over 700 clients from the east to the west coast. Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Florida are really just the tip of the globally melting iceberg. You know, when you work with PPR Healthcare Staffing, many of your expenses are covered. That means more money to spend on clothes and shoes! You might have to wear sensible, closed toe shoes on the hospital ward, but after hours there's nothing stopping you from buying a pair of four inch designer stilettos. Of course, you'll need an outfit to go with those shoes…and a new purse…and some new jewelry. With an outfit like that, you better start making plans for a night on the town!

What better way to spend your off hours than to shop your worries away? PPR Healthcare Staffing is dedicated to making sure you're placed where your happiest, and if that means living within walking distance to the nearest shopping mall, so be it.

What kind of shifts will I have to work in my travel job?

Travel Job Exploration

Registered nurses aren't the only people in hot demand these days! Certified nursing assistant jobs, occupational therapists, respiratory technicians, and occupational therapy assistants are all lucrative careers. Did you know that PPR Healthcare Staffing offers placements in any of these career options? It's true! To get a feel for what they have to offer, just go to their website and check out the job board. Take note of the different positions, where they're located, and whether they're considered travel jobs or permanent. You'll find job listings from coast to coast in a wide variety of settings. As an allied health care professional, you may be lucky enough to find a Monday to Friday, 8 – 5 kind of job. Most people in the healthcare industry, especially travel nurses, are resigned to the fact that shift work is inevitable.

Shift work can actually be a great thing when you're working as a travel nurse. As long as you're not working all night and sleeping all day, you might be able to schedule a shift that gives you some time to explore your new surroundings. Then again, you might be more interested in working as much as possible in order to earn some overtime pay! Now, if you're working in a hot spot like Hawaii and PPR Healthcare Staffing finds out you haven't ventured once to the beach, or explored an island, they may think you're a little crazy!

Unfortunately, you can't always control the hours or shifts you work, but you can control what you do with your free time, so get out there and explore your new world!

Is it okay to use travel nursing as a way to get enough experience to eventually become a nursing teacher?

From Travel Nursing to Classroom

If you're a registered nurse, you're probably aware that you have a wide variety of options available to you. You may have graduated from formal training, but you fully understand that when you can work in a variety of places and learn from the best, you're getting a lifelong information education in the process. You don't have to hide your goals and ambitions from PPR Healthcare Staffing. If your plan is to become a travel nurse so that you can get as much experience as possible in order to eventually work in a teaching position somewhere, that's okay! PPR Healthcare Staffing isn't going to judge you for it. If anything, they're going to celebrate your career goals by placing you where you most want to work.

It's a well known fact that the best teachers in the world are the ones who have the most experience to draw from. Being able to use an anecdotal approach in the classroom is the best way to engage students and facilitate learning. If your goal is to gather experience as a travel nurse so that you can eventually find your way to the classroom, good for you! PPR Healthcare Staffing is your best option for finding a wide variety of challenging, travel nursing jobs.

What happens if I find myself working in a questionable environment?

The High Standards of Nursing Care

As a professional nurse, you expect certain standards within your scope of practice. Working in substandard conditions with people who have questionable practices is not where PPR Healthcare Staffing want to see you work. However, on the off chance that you find yourself working in a place where your nursing ethics and values don't align with the clinics, there is someone at PPR Healthcare Staffing who can help.

PPR Healthcare Staffing hire quality management counselors who work hard to make sure that your professional and medical integrity is never compromised. As a direct employee of PPR Healthcare Staffing, it's imperative that you report any questionable activity to the quality management team. The last thing they want to do is continue to send their staff to medical facilities that don't comply with standardized treatment practices or a code of ethics.

Luckily, this type of scenario is rare. There may be an occasion when you have questions about a certain practice, but a quick phone call to PPR Healthcare Staffing should help answer your questions. PPR Healthcare Staffing works with over 700 reputable and distinct medical clients. If there were any major problems, PPR Healthcare Staffing never could have received some of the prestigious awards they've received recently! Top 25 Best Places to Work and Top Family Friendly Place to Work are pretty good indicators that PPR Healthcare Staffing is a great place to work.

Can I really have control over where I work with PPR Healthcare Staffing?

Driving Your Nursing Career with PPR Healthcare Staffing

When you join PPR Healthcare Staffing as an employee, you won't get a tiara but they'll make you feel as if you deserve one. Once you've cleared the way with your application and job skills checklist, PPR Healthcare Staffing will open the door to their career launching vehicle and let you have the driver seat. Buckle up because you're in for the ride of your life! No matter how many twists and turns you take, your personal PPR Healthcare Staffing recruiter will be right there beside you in the passenger seat, holding on for dear life, but never complaining. If you insist that you can't work anyplace where people own poodles or parakeets, the staff at PPR Healthcare Staffing will laugh at you. Kidding! Actually, what they will do is have great conversations with you so that they can learn what your likes and dislikes truly are.

Honestly, PPR Healthcare Staffing will never make you feel as if you're bothering them with your questions or concerns. When you decided to become a nurse, you probably envisioned working in a prestigious clinic or hospital. Maybe your dream was to work with sick children or in a psychiatric facility. It's all up to you. Remember, you're in the driver seat.

Why is PPR Healthcare Staffing so good to nurses?

Respect for the RN

If you know anybody who works for PPR Healthcare Staffing you're probably sick and tired of hearing them go on and on about how great the company is. If you don't know anybody who works for PPR Healthcare Staffing, you may have heard about them. They were awarded the distinction of being within the top 25 Best Places to Work and there's a very good reason for that. Registered nurses currently working for PPR Healthcare Staffing rave about the excellent communication that goes on between employee and recruiter. The recruiter, by the way, is the person hired to get you those all important work placements. If you call PPR Healthcare Staffing and leave a message, they'll call you back. Not in a month, but within a few hours.

Being a registered nurse carries a heavy responsibility that should be treated with respect. You're the one out there on the floor caring for our friends, our families, us. You're the person on the front lines making the kinds of important decisions that can positively, or negatively, affect a person.

If you think just anybody can do your job…think again! PPR Healthcare Staffing understands how important your career is for you and for the world. For that reason, they will stand behind you making sure you succeed in every travel nursing job you choose to take.

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Barbara Gibson